
Schedules Tab

This tab page is where the review schedules are browsed.


This is the root page of the Schedules tab. You can browse the learning schedules to review.


You can browse the learning schedules being completed.

Learning Tab

This tab page is where the registered book is selected and new learning is started. Also, you can navigate to the page that registers a new book or updates an existing book from here.

Register Book

This page enables you to register a new book or update a existing book.

Book Selection

This is the root page of the Learning tab. You select one from registered books to start a new learning.

Search Books

This page enables you to search for books using the keyword.

New Learning / Edit Learning

This page enables you to register a new learning of a specified book.

Schedule Setting

This page enables you to set a learning schedule for a book and this is called from "Register Book" and "New Learning" page.

Progress Tab

This tab page is where you can browse the progress and the learning list of each book.


This is the root page of the Progress tab. You can browse the progress of each book.

Learning List

This page is taken to by tapping an item of "Progress" page, which enables you to browse the learning list of each book.

Others Tab

This tab page contains the navigation to the others settings page.


General settings can be configured.


The category for books can be registered and edited.


Your customized schedules can be registered.

Save Backup

Your app data can be saved to such cloud storages as Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive.